Kurikulum Prodi D3 Aeoronautika 2024

Lulusan dari program studi D3 Aeronautika diharapkan dapat memberikan peran di masyarakat/dunia kerja sebagai outcame dari pendidikan yang telah di laluinya. Prodi D3 Aeronautika sebagai bagian dari pelaksana pendidikan berusaha memberikan jaminan kepada lulusannya untuk dapat berperan menjadi apa saja setelah ia menjalani semua proses pembelajaran. Adapun profil lulusan program studi D3 Aeronautika STTKD adalah Teknisi Pesawat Terbang dalam bidang perawatan airframe dan powerplant. Sebagai seorang teknisi pesawat terbang yang menguasai struktur pesawat terbang baik dari material yang digunakan, konstruksi dan sistem airframe pesawat. Demikian dengan penguasaan sistem penggerak pesawat berupa powerplant yang menggunakan turbine engine dan piston engine.

Sejalan dengan Peraturan Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2014 tentang Pedoman Penerapan Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI), kurikulum Prodi D3 Aeronautika disusun dengan memperhatikan jenjang 5 kualifikasi, yaitu:

  1. Mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaan berlingkup luas, memilih metode yang sesuai dari beragam pilihan yang sudah maupun belum baku dengan menganalisis data, serta mampu menunjukkan kinerja dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang terukur.
  2. Menguasai konsep teoritis bidang pengetahuan tertentu secara umum, serta mampu memformulasikan penyelesaian masalah prosedural.
  3. Mampu mengelola kelompok kerja dan menyusun laporan tertulis secara komprehensif.
  4. Bertanggung jawab pada pekerjaan sendiri dan dapat diberi tanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja kelompok. Untuk dapat mencapai kemampuan pada level 5 tersebut, disusunlah kompetensi yang diharapkan dapat dicapai oleh para lulusan Prodi D3 Aeronautika STTKD. Kompetensi lulusan Prodi D3 Aeronautika dapat dibagi menjadi kompetensi utama, penunjang dan lain-lain.

Struktur Kurikulum D3 Aeronautika 2024

Kurikulum 2024 merupakan kurikulum yang dikembangkan dengan mengacu pada program lisensi Aircraft Maintenance 147-02 di Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kedirgantaraan. Fokus pembelajaran adalah meningkat kompetensi taruna dalam bidang Aircraft Airframe dan Aircraft Powerplant dengan mengarah pada pembelajaran yang menuju revolusi industri 5.0.

Nama Mata Kuliah
Jumlah SKS
Teori Praktik
1 Bahasa Inggris Teknik
(Technical English)
2 Peraturan Penerbangan I
(Aviation Regulation I)
3 Matematika
4 Fisika
5 Praktik Menggambar Teknik
(Technical Drawing Practice)
6 Praktik Desain Berbantuan Komputer
(Computer Aided Design Practice)
7 Kimia
8 Aerodinamika
9 Praktik Aerodinamika
(Aerodynamic Practice)
10 Sistem Manajemen Faktor Manusia dan Keselamatan
(Human Factor and Safety Management System)
11 Pengantar Ilmu Kedirgantaraan
(Introduction to Aerospace Science)
Jumlah 15 5
Total SKS 20

CPMK & Materi Ajar Konsentrasi

Mata Kuliah
DGCA Subject
T P Total
1 Bahasa Inggris Teknik
(Technical English)
1 1 Students are able to use the following concepts: introduction, practice with drawing instruments, simple orthographic projections, simple isometric projections, Geometric construction, practice in sketching, orthographic projection, shop terms and processes, assembly drawing, auxiliary projections, axonometric projection, and oblique projection. English for aeronautic engineering in the following context
– Aviation Regulation
– Natural Science
– Aerodynamic
– Maintenance Practice
– Aircraft System & Structure
– Piston Engines
– Gas Turbine Engines
– Propellers
– Engines Fuel System
2 Peraturan Penerbangan I
(Aviation Regulation I)
2 2 AVR Students are able to understand the following concepts: international and state aviation laws, civil aviation safety regulations, and aircraft maintenance licence requirements. International and State aviation laws
– International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): formation, structure, functions, obligations and responsibilities.
– Review of ICAO Annexes, particularly Annex 1
– Personnel Licensing, Annex 6
– Operation of Aircraft and Annex 8
– Airworthiness of Aircraft.
– ICAO specifications applicable to the particular course of study.
– Aviation law No.1 Year 2009
– Government, ministerial and departmental responsibilities for civil aviation within the State.

Civil Aviation Safety Regulations
– Regulations concerning aircraft, aircraft operations, safety, and airworthiness requirements.
– Personnel licensing, maintenance of competency, approved organizations, and training requirements
– State competency and licensing regulations for AMEs
– Formalities prescribed by the State: Certificates of airworthines (C of A), logbooks, Certificates of maintenance, maintenance schedule and certificate of approval.
– Aircraft and aircraft maintenance documentation
– Format of documents, required signatures, conditions for issue of or compliance, and period of validity.

Aircraft maintenance licence requirements
– Eligibility, age, limits of location, language and fees.
– Categories of licence as defined in State requirements.
– Knowledge and experience requirements.
– Training requirements.
– Examination requirements and content and issue of licence document.
– Privileges of the licence.
– Revocation and suspension procedures by the State.

3 Matematika
2 2 NSC Students are able to understand the following concepts: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, logaritms, calculators, differential and integral calculus. Arithmetic
– Arithmetical terms and signs; methods of multiplication and division; fractions and decimals; factors and multiples; weights, measures and conversion factors; ratio and proportion; averages and percentages; areas and volumes; squares, cubes, square and cube roots.

– Evaluation of simple algebraic expressions; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; use of brackets; simple algebraic fractions, linear equations and their solutions; and introduction to simultaneous equations.
– Polynomials and binomial theorem, solution of second degree equations with one unknown, solution of simul- taneous linear equations, and use of complex numbers.

– Simple geometrical constructions.
– Graphical representation: nature and uses of graphs, rectangular and polar coordinates; graphs of equations.
– Simple trigonometry: trigonometrical relationships and use of tables.

– Solution of plane triangles; solution of spherical triangles; application of some hyperbolic functions.

– Indices and powers: negative and fractional indices; square root; reciprocal and exponential tables.
– Logarithms: use of log tables, and logarithms of produces, quotients, powers and root.

– Use of electronic calculators for logarithmic and trigonometric applications.

Differential and integral calculus
– Derivatives and differentials; maxima and minima; expansion in series; indeterminate forms; curvatures; table of indefinite integrals, definite integrals; differrential.

4 Fisika
2 2 NSC Students are able to understand the following concepts: mechanics, heat, light, wave motion, sound and mini project. Mechanics
– Forces as vectors: scalars, vectors, resultants, triangle of vectors, polygon of vectors, and resolution of a vector.
– Forces and moments, composition and resolution. – Centre of gravity.
– Uniform motion in a straight line; acceleration; motion under gravity; Newton’s Laws; momentum; force; mass and weight; work, energy, rate of doing work, potential energy, relative velocity, angular velocity, physical units of mass, force, speed, work and power.
– Friction: nature and effects, and coefficient of friction.
– Specific gravity and density.
– Viscosity, fluid resistance and rolling resistance.
– Pressure and buoyancy in liquids (barometers).
– Elements of fluid dynamics: streamlines, Bernouilli’s Theorem, venturi, Pitot tube and speed of sound.
– Elements of vibration theory: harmonic motion, pendulum, damped harmonic motion, forced harmonic motion, and resonance.
– Velocity ratio, mechanical advantage and efficiency.
– Elements of theory on stress, strain and elasticity; tension, compression, shear and torsion stress; Hooke’s Law and Young’s Modulus.
– Dynamics: kinematics of pure rotation, work, power, torque, kinetic energy, moment of inertia, radius of gyration, rotational equilibrium, centre of mass, couples, momentum and impulse, conservation of momentum, elastic and inelastic collisions, two-dimensional motion, and rolling bodies.
– Equations involving two variables; equations for empirical curves; use of logarithmic paper; equations involving three variables; alignment charts.
– Elasticity: internal forces in solids, stress, strain, Hooke’s Law, Poisson’s ratio, shear, torsion, and bulk modulus.
– Periodic motion: motion in a circle at constant speed, energy relations in simple harmonic motion, angular harmonic motion, and equilibrium of a dynamical system.

– Temperature: thermometers and temperature scales (Celsius/Centigrade, Fahrenheit, Rankine and Kelvin); conversion from one scale to another.
– Expansion: linear expansion, surface and volume expansion.
– Quantity of heat: units of heat (calories, BTU, CHU), heat capacity and specific heat.
– Heat transfer: convection, radiation and conduction.
– Mechanical equivalent of heat, first and second laws of thermodynamics.
– Properties of fluids: solid, liquid and gaseous states, melting, boiling, evaporation and reverse processes, vapour pressure, absolute and relative humidity.
– Gases: ideal gas; Charles’ and Boyle’s Laws; internal energy of a gas; specific heat of a gas; relationship between internal energy and heat.
Latent heats of fusion and evaporation, thermal energy, and heat of combustion.
– Gases: specific heat at constant volume and constant pressure; work done by expanding gas; kinetic theory of gases.
– Avogadro’s number.
– Thermodynamics: isothermal expansion and com- pression; adiabatic expansion and compression; the Carnot cycle; engine cycles; constant volume and constant pressure; refrigerators and heat pumps.

– Introduction to nature of light; speed of light.
– Laws of reflection and refraction: reflection at plane surfaces; reflection by spherical mirrors, refraction, lenses, cameras and projectors, microscopes and telescopes.
– Propagation of light, illumination, and photometry.
– Wave optics: interference, interferometers, Huygens’ model, diffraction, diffraction gradings, and polarization.
– Spectra: dispersion by refraction, spectrometers, emission and absorption spectra, and quanta.
Electricity and magnetism
– Fundamentals: atoms and electrons, conductors and insulators, electric currents, electromotive force, difference of potential, electrical units, power, work and energy, Ohm’s Law, specific resistance, series, parallel and combined DC circuits, Kirchoff’s Laws and the Wheatstone Bridge.
– Batteries and thermal EMF: theory of electrolysis, primary cells, secondary cells; lead-acid and alkaline accumulators; and thermocouples.
– Magnetism: permanent magnets, laws of magnetism, the earth’s magnetism, magnetic fields, electro- magnetism, polarity rules, field strength and flux density, permeability, hysteresis, and reluctance.
– Electrostatics: positive and negative charges, charges developed by friction, electrostatic induction, surface charges, electrostatic fields, static charges on aircraft and methods of dispersing them.
– Electromagnetic induction: Faraday’s Laws, Lenz’s Law, magnitude and direction of induced EMF, generators, and induction coils.
– Inductance and capacitance: mutual inductance; self- inductance; unit of capacitance; specific inductive capacity; dielectric strength; losses and efficiency.
– Outline of AC theory: generation, principles, single-phase and three-phase generation, measurement of current and voltage, RMS, audio and radio frequencies.
– Resistance, inductance and capacitance in AC circuits: inductive reactance, resistance and inductance in series, impedance, power factor and true power, capacitive reactance, resistance and capacitance in series, reson- ance, Q factor, and voltage developed at resonance.
– Resistance, inductance, capacity and parallel combinations.
Methods of coupling: mutual inductive coupling, resistive coupling, auto-inductive coupling, capacitive coupling, equivalent resistance, equivalent reactance, coupling factor, and resonance curves.
– Transformers: primary and secondary EMF; load-on secondary, resistive, inductive and capacitive loads; transformer losses; tests of transformers; X-rays and natural radioactivity; photoelectric and inverse photo- electric effect; generation of X-rays; radioactive substances; radiography with Xrays and gamma-rays.

Wave motion and sound
– Wave motion: mechanical waves, sinusoidal wave motion, interference phenomena, and standing waves.
– Sound: speed of sound, production of sound, intensity, pitch and quality, and Doppler Effect.

Mini Project
– Preparation
– Planning
– Assembly/manufacture
– Testing
– Report

5 Praktik Menggambar Teknik
(Technical Drawing Practice)
1 1 NSC Students are able to use the following concepts: introduction, practice with drawing instruments, simple orthographic projections, simple isometric projections, Geometric construction, practice in sketching, orthographic projection, shop terms and processes, assembly drawing, auxiliary projections, axonometric projection, and oblique projection. Introduction
– Purpose of technical drawing.
– Care and use of drawing instruments.
– Standard paper sizes, blocks, conventions for lines, and dimensions.

Practice with drawing instruments
– Lettering
– Simple geometric constructions
– Layout of patterns with metric or inch dimensions.

Simple orthographic projections
– Orthographic conventions
– Practice in first angle projections
– Practice in third angle projections

Simple isometric projections
– Isometric conventions
– Practice in making workshop sketches

Geometric construction
– Constructions involving lines and angles, circles and conic sections. – Geometric projections.

Practice in sketching
– Proportioning
Orthographic sketching
– Pictorial sketching

Orthographic projection
– Rules, determination of number of views, notation and representations, layout of three-view drawings, computation of weights.
– Sectional views, standard symbols for sections and materials.
– Dimensioning.
– Representation of machine elements, threads, bolts, nuts, rivets, etc. – Exercises incorporating standard conventions.

Shop terms and processes
– Relationship between drawing and manufacturing processes.
– Drawings for castings, forgings, machined parts, sheet metal parts, and welded constructions.
– Practices as appropriate to particular course.

Assembly drawing
– Layout drawing
– Assemblies, erection and installation changeability, tolerances, fits and surfaces, tolerancing of form and position.
– Surface finish, finish marks and specification.
– Checking drawings

Auxiliary projections
– Notation and relationship of auxiliary planes.
– Layout of drawing with one auxiliary view.
– Layout of drawing with two auxiliary views.

Axonometric projection
– Isometric projections, dimetric and trimetric projections.
– Theory of axonometric projections.

Oblique projection
– Theory
– Cavalier projection – Cabinet projection

Circuit layout
– Convention for electrical and radio components.
– Standard symbols for theoretical circuits and wiring diagrams.

Exercises in blueprint reading
– Interpretation of blueprint data.
– Check for consistency

Exercises in engineering design
– To be selected by the instructor in accordance with the nature of the particular course and the type of work that the student will undertake in the future.

6 Praktik Desain Berbantuan Komputer
(Computer Aided Design Practice)
2 2 NSC Students are able to use the following concepts: introduction, practice with drawing instruments, simple orthographic projections, simple isometric projections, Geometric construction, practice in sketching, orthographic projection, shop terms and processes, assembly drawing, auxiliary projections, axonometric projection, and oblique projection. Introduction
– Purpose of technical drawing.
– Care and use of drawing instruments.
– Standard paper sizes, blocks, conventions for lines, and dimensions.

Practice with drawing instruments
– Lettering
– Simple geometric constructions
– Layout of patterns with metric or inch dimensions.

Simple orthographic projections
– Orthographic conventions
– Practice in first angle projections
– Practice in third angle projections

Simple isometric projections
– Isometric conventions
– Practice in making workshop sketches

Geometric construction
– Constructions involving lines and angles, circles and conic sections. – Geometric projections.

Practice in sketching
– Proportioning
Orthographic sketching
– Pictorial sketching

Orthographic projection
– Rules, determination of number of views, notation and representations, layout of three-view drawings, computation of weights.
– Sectional views, standard symbols for sections and materials.
– Dimensioning.
– Representation of machine elements, threads, bolts, nuts, rivets, etc. – Exercises incorporating standard conventions.

Shop terms and processes
– Relationship between drawing and manufacturing processes.
– Drawings for castings, forgings, machined parts, sheet metal parts, and welded constructions.
– Practices as appropriate to particular course.

Assembly drawing
– Layout drawing
– Assemblies, erection and installation changeability, tolerances, fits and surfaces, tolerancing of form and position.
– Surface finish, finish marks and specification.
– Checking drawings

Auxiliary projections
– Notation and relationship of auxiliary planes.
– Layout of drawing with one auxiliary view.
– Layout of drawing with two auxiliary views.

Axonometric projection
– Isometric projections, dimetric and trimetric projections.
– Theory of axonometric projections.

Oblique projection
– Theory
– Cavalier projection – Cabinet projection

Circuit layout
– Convention for electrical and radio components.
– Standard symbols for theoretical circuits and wiring diagrams.

Exercises in blueprint reading
– Interpretation of blueprint data.
– Check for consistency

Exercises in engineering design
– To be selected by the instructor in accordance with the nature of the particular course and the type of work that the student will undertake in the future.

7 Kimia
2 2 NSC Students are able to understand the following concepts: nature of matter, the chemical elements, structure of atoms, molecules, crystals, colloids, solutions and solvents, hardness, ductility and mini project. Chemistry
– Nature of matter
– Chemical elements
– Structure of atoms
– Molecules
– Crystals
– Colloids
– Solutions and solvents
– Hardness and ductility

Mini Project
– Preparation
– Planning
– Assembly/manufacture
– Testing
– Report

8 Aerodinamika
2 2 ADP Students are able to understand the following concepts: aerodynamic physics, airflow, aerofoils, conditions of flight, flight stability, flight controls, and high speed flight. Aerodynamic physics
– Application of International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) to aerodynamics
– Newton’s Laws of Motion
– Boyle’s Law
– Charles’ Law
– General Gas Laws
– Archimedes Principle – Bernoulli’s Theorem.
– Dalton’s Law

– Airflow in relation to a body at rest and in motion
– Boundary layer: laminar and turbulent flow, free stream flow, relative airflow, upwash and downwash, vortices and stagnation.
– Effect of ice on an aircraft

– Understanding of the following terms :
• Camber
• Chord
• Mean aerodynamic chord
• Parastic drag
• Induced drag
• Centre of pressure.
• Angle of attack
• Angle of incidence
• Wash in and wash out.
• Fineness ratio
• Wing shape
• Aspect ratio
– Relationship between lift, weight, thrust and drag.

Conditions of flight
– Understanding of the following terms:
• wing loading
• centrifugal force
• centripetal force
• gravitational force
• sideslip
• skidding
• stall
• centre of gravity
– Effects on wing loading and stalling speed due to changes in wing area, angle of bank, angle of attack, and mass.
– Relationship between ground speed (GS), true air speed (TAS) and indicated air speed (IAS).

Flight stability
– Understanding of the following terms:
• Dihedral
• longitudinal dihedral
• anhedral
• sweepback
• taper
• torque effect
• slipstream
• gyroscopic effect
• asymmetric power/thrust
• longitudinal stability
• lateral stability
• directional stability
• flutter
• Dutch roll
• pitch up

Flight controls
– Operation and effect of roll control: ailerons and spoilers pitch control; elevators, stabilators, variable incidence stabilizers and canards yaw control; rudders including rudder throw limiters.
– Control about two axes, elevons, and ruddervators.
– High lift devices, slots, slats, and flaps (including leading edge flaps).
– Drag inducing devices, spoilers, lift dumpers, and speed brakes.
– Boundary layer control using wing fences, saw-tooth leading edges, vortex generators, stall wedges or leading edge spoilers.
– Operation and effect of trim tabs, balance (lagging) and anti-balance (leading) tabs, servo tabs, spring tabs, bob weights, control surface bias, and aerodynamic balance panels.
– Understanding of aerodynamic balance.
– Power-boosted and power-operated controls: purpose, layouts, power supplies, artificial feel devices, instal- lation, adjustments and testing.
– Fly-by-wire systems (FBW) (both digital and analogue), full FBW system and FBW with manual reversion.

High speed flight
– Understanding of the following terms and of the factors which affect them:
• speed of sound
• subsonic flight
• transonic flight
• supersonic flight
• mach number
• critical mach number
• mach cone
• compressibility
• shock wave (oblique and normal)
• expansion waves
• shock-induced stall
• shock-induced drag
• aerodynamic heating
• area rule
– Factors affecting airflow in engine intakes of high
– speed aircraft.
– Effects of sweepback and fineness ratio on critical Mach number.
– Control problems encountered and methods to overcome them in transonic and supersonic flight.

9 Praktik Aerodinamika
(Aerodynamic Practice)
1 1 ADP Students are able to use the following concepts: aerodynamic physics, airflow, aerofoils, conditions of flight, flight stability, flight controls, high speed flight and mini project. Aerodynamic physics
– Application of International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) to aerodynamics
– Newton’s Laws of Motion
– Boyle’s Law
– Charles’ Law
– General Gas Laws
– Archimedes Principle – Bernoulli’s Theorem.
– Dalton’s Law

– Airflow in relation to a body at rest and in motion
– Boundary layer: laminar and turbulent flow, free stream flow, relative airflow, upwash and downwash, vortices and stagnation.
– Effect of ice on an aircraft

– Understanding of the following terms :
• Camber
• Chord
• Mean aerodynamic chord
• Parastic drag
• Induced drag
• Centre of pressure.
• Angle of attack
• Angle of incidence
• Wash in and wash out.
• Fineness ratio
• Wing shape
• Aspect ratio
– Relationship between lift, weight, thrust and drag.

Conditions of flight
– Understanding of the following terms:
• wing loading
• centrifugal force
• centripetal force
• gravitational force
• sideslip
• skidding
• stall
• centre of gravity
– Effects on wing loading and stalling speed due to changes in wing area, angle of bank, angle of attack, and mass.
– Relationship between ground speed (GS), true air speed (TAS) and indicated air speed (IAS).

Flight stability
– Understanding of the following terms:
• Dihedral
• longitudinal dihedral
• anhedral
• sweepback
• taper
• torque effect
• slipstream
• gyroscopic effect
• asymmetric power/thrust
• longitudinal stability
• lateral stability
• directional stability
• flutter
• Dutch roll
• pitch up

Flight controls
– Operation and effect of roll control: ailerons and spoilers pitch control; elevators, stabilators, variable incidence stabilizers and canards yaw control; rudders including rudder throw limiters.
– Control about two axes, elevons, and ruddervators.
– High lift devices, slots, slats, and flaps (including leading edge flaps).
– Drag inducing devices, spoilers, lift dumpers, and speed brakes.
– Boundary layer control using wing fences, saw-tooth leading edges, vortex generators, stall wedges or leading edge spoilers.
– Operation and effect of trim tabs, balance (lagging) and anti-balance (leading) tabs, servo tabs, spring tabs, bob weights, control surface bias, and aerodynamic balance panels.
– Understanding of aerodynamic balance.
– Power-boosted and power-operated controls: purpose, layouts, power supplies, artificial feel devices, instal- lation, adjustments and testing.
– Fly-by-wire systems (FBW) (both digital and analogue), full FBW system and FBW with manual reversion.

High speed flight
– Understanding of the following terms and of the factors which affect them:
• speed of sound
• subsonic flight
• transonic flight
• supersonic flight
• mach number
• critical mach number
• mach cone
• compressibility
• shock wave (oblique and normal)
• expansion waves
• shock-induced stall
• shock-induced drag
• aerodynamic heating
• area rule
– Factors affecting airflow in engine intakes of high
– speed aircraft.
– Effects of sweepback and fineness ratio on critical Mach number.
– Control problems encountered and methods to overcome them in transonic and supersonic flight.

10 Sistem Manajemen Faktor Manusia dan Keselamatan
(Human Factor and Safety Management System)
3 3 HFR Students are able to understand the following concepts: human factor knowledge, communication skill, teamwork skills, performance management, situation awareness, human error, reporting & investigation errors, monitoring & auditing, document design. Human Factor Knowledge
– Understanding maintenance operations as a system: seeing the “big picture”.
– Understanding basic Human Factors issues and human limitations: vision, hearing, information processing, attention and perception, memory, and the associated ergonomic issues related to workplace and task design.
– Recognizing the contributory causes to human errors: interactions with organizational procedures, groups and individual factors; reason model and the “Dirty Dozen”.

Communication Skill
– Understanding the consequences of poor communication.
– Communication methods (written, verbal, etc.).
– Communication content: relevance, correctness, conciseness and completeness.
– Communication purpose and target audience.
– Communication behaviour/style: assertiveness, aggression and feedback.
– Active listening, feedback, body language and facial expression.
– Effective writing.
– Recognizing approved or unapproved data.
– Overcoming barriers to the use of approved data.
– Shifting turnover/handover process

Teamwork Skills
– Team definition and discrimination from group.
– Team dynamics (positive/neutral).
– Team leadership: telling or selling, involving or delegating.
– Team building.
– Inter- and intra-team communication.
– Coordination and decision-making.
– Understanding the characteristics of an effective team.
– Understanding norms, their definition and identification.
– Effective meetings and different roles: chair, shaper, worker and finisher.

Performance Management
– Stress: identifying stressors e.g. communication, role conflict, others.
– Pressure: be organized, get help and facts, and delegate.
– Shift work: fatigue, working hours, sleep, stress, and environmental factors.
– Complacency: identification and management

Situation Awareness
– Error chain recognition and control.
– Workload management: learning to say no.
– Supervision and leadership

Human Error
– Error models (latent and active).
– Error classification and prevention.
– Task analysis: be proactive; “plan — do — check”; others.
– Defences: documentation; don’t assume — check and ask; others.
– Changing conditions rather than changing people.

Reporting & Investigation Errors
Company and state regulatory requirements.
– Immunity statements and disciplinary issues.
– Confidential reporting systems.
– Investigation responsibilities and procedures.
– Maintenance error data analysis and reporting of results.
– Feedback.
– Management decision-making.

Monitoring & Auditing
– Team or individual: composition
– Purpose: quality, ergonomic or others.
– Process and procedure.
– Audit findings, reporting and data analysis.
– Feedback and corrective action.

Document Design
– Information content and readability
– Writing well: be clear, concise and accurate.
– User involvement and field testing

11 Pengantar Ilmu Kedirgantaraan
(Introduction to Aerospace Science)
2 2 Mata kuliah ini memberikan pengenalan komprehensif tentang dunia penerbangan (aviation) dan dirgantara (aerospace), termasuk sejarah, perkembangan, dan teknologi
kunci yang mendasari kedua bidang ini. Mahasiswa akan mempelajari prinsip-prinsip dasar aerodinamika, sistem propulsi, navigasi, serta kontrol lalu lintas udara dan ruang
angkasa. Selain itu, mata kuliah ini akan mengeksplorasi regulasi internasional, isu-isu lingkungan, serta tantangan etika yang muncul dari operasi penerbangan dan eksplorasi
ruang angkasa. Dengan fokus pada awareness, mata kuliah ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa tentang dampak sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan dari inovasi teknologi di bidang aviation dan aerospace serta tanggung jawab etika dalam pengembangannya.
1) Pengenalan Aviation dan Aerospace : Sejarah dan perkembangan awal penerbangan serta eksplorasi ruang angkasa
2) Prinsip Dasar Penerbangan : Aerodinamika dasar, pengenalan prinsip terbang, dan mekanika penerbangan.
3) Sistem Propulsi dan Teknologi Pesawat : Sistem propulsi dalam pesawat
terbang dan wahana ruang angkasa.
4) Navigasi dan Kontrol Lalu Lintas Udara : Pengelolaan dan kontrol lalu lintas
udara (ATC), navigasi penerbangan, dan keselamatan.
5) Regulasi Penerbangan Internasional : ICAO, FAA, regulasi internasional
tentang penerbangan dan keselamatan udara.
6) Teknologi Masa Depan dalam Penerbangan : Pesawat listrik, supersonik, dan penerbangan otonom.
7) Dampak Lingkungan Penerbangan : Jejak karbon, polusi, dan upaya penerbangan untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan.
8) Sejarah dan Eksplorasi Ruang Angkasa : Perkembangan awal eksplorasi ruang angkasa hingga misi terkini.
9) Sistem Propulsi dan Navigasi di Ruang Angkasa : Teknologi roket dan sistem navigasi ruang angkasa.
10) Dampak Lingkungan dan Tantangan Eksplorasi Ruang Angkasa : Puing-puing ruang angkasa, tantangan keberlanjutan, dan dampak eksplorasi terhadap ekosistem bumi dan ruang angkasa.
11) Regulasi dan Hukum Ruang Angkasa : Perjanjian Ruang Angkasa (Outer Space Treaty), kebijakan internasional, dan etika dalam eksplorasi ruang angkasa.
12) Masa Depan Aerospace dan Eksplorasi Luar Angkasa : Kolonisasi Mars, tambang asteroid, dan konsep masa depan dalam eksplorasi ruang angkasa.
13) Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Etika dalam Aviation dan Aerospace : Peran etika dan tanggung jawab sosial dalam pengembangan teknologi aviation dan aerospace.


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